ACTS團隊結合北美制震權威博士Tony等40人以上, 含有美國NASA DNA之航太科技, 團隊成員皆畢業於世界知名制震研究學府, 美國Berkeley大學, 美國Buffalo大學等學校. 共同合作針對各式制震, 減震, 隔震等阻尼器產品, 結構等等進行精密分析作業, 打造最堅強的制震, 隔震團隊, 產品及方案。邦特制震團隊亦集結國內多位土木博士, 營建工程專家, 機械博士, 及經驗豐富研發團隊, 提供最強大的支援
制震權威Tony博士同時也是世界知名制震協會成員或主要委員, 如: PEER, TIT, MCEER, EERF, ENCENTRE, QUAKECORE, ILEE等等. 而其中甚至包含隸屬日本的 TIT (Tokyo Institute of Technology - 東京工業大學), 也曾受邀Tony博士當客座教授, 而同時也是台灣國家地震中心 (NCREE) 指定顧問, 並不定期受邀來台舉辦研討會.
無論您何時需要我們,我們會在這裡幫您尋找最有效的解決方式 - 針對單一產品應用到一個完整的系統。
ACTS (Advanced Control Testing Systems) Technologies Inc. is a global manufacturer of innovative testing equipment for engineering research facilities, leads by world-recognized seismic professional, Professor Tony Yang. ACTS' interdisciplinary approach and powerful new patent-pending control algorithms allow academics and industry to innovate faster, lower test costs and improve the performance of our engineered world. Professor Tony Yang and ACTS has worked with world engineering consulting company ARUP, together completed numerous projects around the world. With the DNA from NASA, ACTS is the world's only damper manufacturer able to pass 3000 hours of Salt Spray Test, ensuring our dampers to have product life cycles for over 30 years.
ACTS introduced its ACTS-SDT (Smart Damping Technology) brand, featuring shock-absorbing, seismic technologies and products which offer dampers products include:
- 液體黏滯阻尼器 / Fluid Viscous Damper (FVD)
- 挫屈束制斜撐阻尼器 / Buckling Restrained Braces (BRB), Buckling Restrained Wall (BRW)
- 隔震墊(盤式支承墊) / Pot Bearing (Base Isolator)
- 調諧質量阻尼器 / Tuned Mass Damper (TMD), Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD)
- 金屬阻尼器 / Metallic Damper (MD)
- 液體黏滯制震壁 / Viscous Wall Damper (VWD)
- 黏彈性制震壁 / Viscous-Elastic Damper (VED), Viscous-Elastic Wall (VEW)
Brant Hydraulics Corporation, a global hydraulics products manufacturer, with its extensive hydraulic experiences has been chosen by the ACTS to be the exclusive authorized agent for the ACTS-SDT damper products in Taiwan!!
ACTS specializes in all types of dampers, seismic system analysis, seismic protection, design, damper system testings, while providing accurate, efficient, flexible and versatile damper testing systems which the markets need.
ACTS-SDT has worked closely with Brant Hydraulics on several well-known projects on damper system testings for years. ACTS-SDT will continue to bring out the better and greater damper products to our world.
ACTS-SDT not only provides the best quality dampers, but also focusing on the safety, products precision, and minimize costs for our customers, everything far exceeds customers' expectations.
ACTS-SDT dampers are widely used on technologies as well, include aerospace, war industry, civil structures, and more.
Dampers are now everywhere in our life. More and more dampers applications are commonly used in our buildings, bridges, infrastructures, construction vehicles, and more.
ACTS-SDT strives to make our world a better and safer place.