

其中一些常用的建設包括,建築設備自動化 (BAS - Building Automation System),支撐先進工法設備 (Advanced Shoring Bridge Construction OR Movable Scaffold System - MSS),節塊推進工法設備 (Incremental Launching Method),全跨預鑄工法設備 (FSM - Full-span Pre-Cast Method),平衡懸臂工法 (Balanced Cantilever Construction),隧道挖掘機 (tunnel boring machine),大型移動式吊車(起重機) (large mobile construction cranes),履帶式起重機 (crawler cranes),發電廠 (power plants),水壩工程 (dam engineering),風力發電 (offshore wind),鐵道維護搗固車(railway tampers),爐渣車(slag pot carriers),挖土機 (excavators),鏟土機 (loaders),水泥預拌車 (cement mixer trucks),砂石車 (dump trucks),煤礦車 (coal loaders),挖礦設備 (mining machineries) 等等。


Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Construction Vehicle and Infrastructure Cylinder Construction Vehicle and Infrastructure Cylinder
Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Construction Vehicle and Infrastructure Cylinder Construction Vehicle and Infrastructure Cylinder
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